
Personal Health-Difficulties the disabled face for looking after themselves

Children with disabilities

Children are the most affected when disabled. Their inability to understand why they are not like other children makes it even harder. This leaves them stressed and seriously disturbed. They are exposed to health hazards for it is impossible for them to tend to their basic hygiene. It becomes worse when they are neglected by the society. Nobody is there to help them in basic human needs like visiting the toilet, bathing and eating. This exposes them to the dangers of malnutrition and contracting diseases. Some parents refuse to accept that their children are disabled making them disown them for fear of the ‘burden’ of tending to this child who needs special and extra care.

According to the World Report on Disability approximately one billion people in the world are living with a disability, with at least 1 in 10 being children and 80% living in developing countries. Among marginalized groups, children with disabilities remain the most excluded, discriminated not only because of their disability but also because of lack of understanding and knowledge about its causes, implications and stigma.

Children experiencing multiple forms of discrimination, particularly girls with disabilities, face a double disadvantage, because of their disability and gender. Girls with disabilities are not only confronted with stigma but are also constrained by traditional gender roles and cultural barriers.

Sourced from: http://www.globalpartnership.org/focus-areas/children-with-disabilities

Getting help for children with disabilities

Children with disabilities need special tending. If not given they greatly suffer for they don’t understand what their issue is. The society deliberately neglects these children making life even harder and unbearable for them. This results to many disabled children becoming beggars on the streets. Despite these, there are organizations that help these children with special needs.

When it comes to learning disabilities, it’s not always easy to know what to do and where to find help. Turning to specialists who can pinpoint and diagnose the problem is, of course, important. You will also want to work with your child’s school to make accommodations for your child and get specialized academic help. But don’t overlook your own role. You know your child better than anyone else, so take the lead in looking into your options, learning about new treatments and services, and overseeing your child’s education.

Research treatments, services, and new theories. Along with knowing about the type of learning disability your child has, educate yourself about the most effective treatment options available. This can help you advocate for your child at school and pursue treatment at home.

Nurture your child’s strengths. Even though children with learning disabilities struggle in one area of learning, they may excel in another. Pay attention to your child’s interests and passions. Helping children with learning disorders develop their passions and strengths will probably help them with the areas of difficulty as well.

Keeping Disabled children Healthy and Active

It is possible to keep disabled children healthy and active but first you need to know their needs. Their likes and dislikes. Also, you have to know what is essential for their health even if they don’t like what you try to teach them, be it exercise or certain type of food. Whatever you do make sure it is for their health benefit.

The report states, “Childhood obesity has become an epidemic in the United States over the last generation. More children are overweight or obese today than ever before and the numbers continue to grow. Obesity is defined as 20% over the recommended weight for height or greater than 85 percentile for Body Mass Index (BMI). Childhood obesity is mainly caused by lack of physical activity.”

Keeping children with special needs active with appropriate play products is one of the reasons the National Lekotek Center has sponsored the AblePlay website that researches products for children with special needs. Lekotek is one of the leading supporters of play as a way to keep children with special healthy, growing and developing. Chief Toy Evaluator for AblePlay, Ellen Metrick said, “When you search the marketplace and go to industry events, you do see great products that work well for children of all abilities. Our job is to let parents of children with disabilities know about these.”

Sourced from: https://www.disabled-world.com/fitness/exercise/active.php

Victimization of children with Disabilities

Children are at a greater risk of being abused because of their disability compared to those without. Victimization mostly takes place in hospitals and at homes. It is done deliberately to oppress the disabled and make them fear the person abusing them. Victimization is a great risk to the health of these children. Children can’t grow well if they are constantly abused.

People with disabilities are at greater risk for abuse, violence, and harm than people without disabilities. This is called victimization. Victimization is harm caused on purpose. It is not an “accident” and can happen anywhere. The two most common places where victimization occurs are in hospitals and homes.

Victimization includes:

  • Physical violence with or without a weapon.
  • Sexual violence of any kind, including rape.
  • Emotional abuse, including verbal attacks or being humiliated.
  • Neglect of personal needs for daily life, including medical care or equipment.

In the United States, people with disabilities are 4 to 10 times more likely to be victimized than people without disabilities. Children with disabilities are more than twice as likely to be victimized as children without disabilities. Researchers found that 11.5% of adults with a disability were victims of sexual assault vs. 3.9% of adults without disabilities. In addition, 13.0% of people with disabilities were victims of attempted sexual assault compared to 5.7% without disabilities

Sourced from: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/healthyliving.html