Category: Rehab


Three Simple Exercises To Help Recover From Back Pain

There are time tested exercises that we can perform to help alleviate some of our pain and hopefully speed up healing and recovery. (Source: McKenzie Exercises @

Let's go over some examples of rehabilitation exercises we can perform to help back injury. 3 steps to recovery from back pain

Exercise One: Glute Stretch



All about Drug Rehabilitation Programs


Though random drug testing is implemented to ensure the integrity of the program, this style of treatment is usually recommended to those with short-term addictions and to patients who have already successfully completed an inpatient program and are just seeking support in recovery. Sourced from: There are so many options when it comes to drug programs but it is important that you weigh your options.

Sourced from: For an addict to experience the effectiveness of being enrolled in a rehabilitation program there are certain things they must avoid

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